30 Before 30 Bucket List Ideas for 2023 — Miss Tea Positive (2024)


Written By Divyanka

For me, it is officially the end of one era and the beginning of another. It is crazy how my mind is consumed by the thought of hitting this significant milestone of turning 30 in less than a year.

But the label of being a nine-ender also comes with age pressure!

You know how society expects us to have our lives perfectly sorted by the time we enter our third decade. Yet, I find it unfair to impose such expectations on oneself. After all, not everything is within our control, right?

To navigate this strange mix of emotions and age pressure, I actively focus my energy on areas (of my life) over which I HAVE control.

One such empowering practice includes creating a 30 before 30 bucket list. It serves as a guide that motivates me to achieve my goals while I'm still in my twenties.

30 Before 30 Bucket List Ideas for 2023 — Miss Tea Positive (1)

Are you also approaching a new decade and do not want the last year to slip by?

We humans have a tendency to divide our life span into 10-year intervals. Reaching the BIG THREE-OH is a turning point for many of us.

In fact, approaching the end of an era motivates us to act with extreme urgency.

This energizing effect encourages us to pursue new endeavors that we may not have considered during our earlier, more carefree years. Making it THE perfect time to create a realistic bucket list full of thrilling aspirations you hope to fulfill before turning 30.

So, today, I am sharing the ultimate bucket list of things to do before 30.

Also, note that this is a list of things I want to accomplish (yours might be a little different). But it's relatable enough to inspire you to create your own. Moreover, I might have already ticked off a few things from this list, but I will still emphasize its importance. So, let's get started!

30 Things To Do Before 30 Checklist

This 30 before 30 list consists of meaningful bucket list ideas, fun things to do by yourself (so that you don't have to depend on anyone else), realistic short-term goals, and some crucial things to do before you turn 30.

1. Do More 30-Day Challenges

First of all, why take 30-day challenges?

Many of us want to build good habits (and maintain them), yet struggle to begin.

However, when establishing and sticking to habits, consistency is the key. That is precisely what a 30-day challenge offers by motivating you in the right direction.

As quoted by Aristotle, "We are what we repeatedly do."

It takes approximately 21 days to form a new habit. So, taking up a 30-day challenge is like an essential boost that helps you develop new habits and incorporate them into your lives by the end of the 30 days.

These challenges may include things you want to achieve in life or activities you want to do for fun.

I have completed a few 30-day challenges recently and have seen satisfying results. So, I plan to take on more challenges in the coming year to continue my personal development journey.

You can check out these 30-day challenges to make those habits stick.

2. Become a Connoisseur (In Something)

A connoisseur is an individual who has immense knowledge and great taste in any of the domains related to fine arts, cuisine, and other areas.

Let me clarify that I am not talking about being a professional certified connoisseur here. Instead, this is more about enjoying and appreciating things.

All it takes is a genuine curiosity and fascination towards a particular subject. One can be a connoisseur of tea, cakes, books, luxury goods, etc. Anything human-made that allows you to fully immerse yourself in an experience is sufficient.

Of course, no one becomes a connoisseur in a day. This skill becomes more prominent as we grow older and gain more life experiences. That is why everyone must have it on their bucket list.

3. Learn a Foreign Language

Studying a foreign language is a rewarding practice that comes with many benefits.

Aside from helping you be open-minded and think better, it also makes it easy for you to travel to different countries and learn about their cultures. Most importantly, it can enhance your reputation and social standing.

Having been raised in a multilingual country, where I can speak three languages fluently and understand bits of others, I am ready to focus on learning a new foreign language this time. It will help me enhance my language skills even more.

4. Make Your Own Signature Drink

30 Before 30 Bucket List Ideas for 2023 — Miss Tea Positive (2)

I am not an aspiring co*cktail inventor, but I enjoy making drinks. If you also feel the same way, why not craft your OWN signature drink for your next house party?

There is a wide variety of alcoholic beverages, flavorings, fruit juices, and other ingredients available that can be mixed to create many different and unique drinks. It would be exciting to tweak a classic recipe and experience spectacular results.

5. Learn Self Defense

Whether you want to learn self-defense or improve your OVERALL health, you are never too old to take karate, martial arts, or similar classes. Along with the essential skills required for dealing with risky situations, it also provides other incredible benefits for your physical and mental health.

6. Prioritize Self-Care

In the hustle and bustle of modern life, it is easier to forget about our own well-being. However, when we prioritize self-care and make time to nurture our mind, body, and soul, we experience a profound positive transformation in every aspect of our lives. That is why this is a must on everyone's bucket list.

Taking care of oneself is what self-care is all about. However, it can mean different things to different people.

I enjoy scheduling a self-care day right within the comfort of my own home. Alternatively, going to a spa and immersing yourself in the blissful ambiance is a great way to let go of the stress and worries of daily life.

In fact, engaging in simple self-care practices will bring back a tranquil sense of BEING amidst chaos.


  • 27 No-Nonsense Physical Self-Care and Wellness Tips for Healthy Life

  • 23 Realistic Ways to Practice Emotional Self-Care When Life Gets Hard

  • 15 Morning Self-Care Routine Ideas to Start Your Day Positively

7. Try 3 Different Fitness Classes

Mixing different types of physical activities can benefit our overall well-being.

I always wanted to experiment with a variety of different exercises. So, I realized that joining group exercise classes is a great way to try something new in fitness.

Besides, there is no harm in trying out any class that sparks your interest, right?! It will help you discover what type of exercise you enjoy the most.

8. Go on a Wellness Retreat

30 Before 30 Bucket List Ideas for 2023 — Miss Tea Positive (3)

For most of us, our late 20s and early 30s are a turning point in our lives (both personally and professionally). That is when taking a break from the daily grind is necessary, especially for wellness enthusiasts.

Going on a peaceful retreat amid nature is ideal for reconnecting with your mind, body, and soul.

Wellness retreats offer curated programs tailored to meet your healing and wellness needs. These programs include therapies, healthy meals, yoga, meditation, outdoor activities, spas, and more to help you rejuvenate. This mini-vacation will get you out of your routine physically, intellectually, and emotionally.

Above all, taking a retreat like this offers a great chance to reflect and restart as you enter your 30s.

9. Master a Skin Care Routine

Regardless of age, one must never underestimate the value of a good skin care routine. Personalized beauty rituals not only make you look better, but they also boost your confidence and self-assurance.

Our 20s are a warm-up decade when we first start to learn and incorporate skin care into our routines. However, it is during our 30s that we need to do really well in this area. This is when we must improve our skills based on our knowledge to achieve great results.

In my situation, having acne-prone skin restricts my ability to experiment with my skin care routine. However, I am determined to keep learning and adjusting my skin care routine to enhance and perfect it.

10. Find a Signature Scent

Wearing a great fragrance not only enhances your mood and improves your day, but it also has the power to project your personality and add something special to your aura.

In your younger years, you might have been satisfied with average fragrances that smelled nice but did not last long. However, now that you are entering your 30s (with some extra cash to splurge), investing in a high-quality cologne or perfume can be rewarding. Especially if you want to associate your whole look with an impressive personal fragrance.

Besides, the overall process of selecting such a scent is not as complex as you might think.

11. Discover Your Personal Style

Feeling good about your appearance can boost your OVERALL mood and confidence, especially as you approach your 30s.

Someone's personal style is when they dress to express themselves authentically by the choice of clothes and accessories they wear.

However, when you are always trying to keep up with the latest fashion trends, the idea (of personal style) can fade away.

As a result, understanding and embracing your unique style can free you from the never-ending cycle of chasing after fast fashion trends.

By doing this, it is easier to avoid the urge to mindlessly imitate the outfits you see on influencers, and as a result, save money by not buying clothes that don't align with your personal style.

12. Rebuild Your Wardrobe

After finding your personal style, creating a capsule wardrobe or rebuilding it is definitely the next step.

As I think about how I've changed over the years, I have realized that my current self is very different from my younger self. So, I want to make my wardrobe grow with me by building it from scratch.

Though it will require some work and careful choices. However, I am excited to revamp my wardrobe to reflect my current identity better.

13. Get a Makeover

We all love embracing our beauty, and getting a makeover can satisfy this desire in an extraordinary way.

A makeover means changing your look by trying new hairstyles, hair colors, unique clothing options, or colored contacts. It is all about getting out of your comfort zone, pampering ourselves, and having fun!

14. Get Yourself Inked

Tattoos are an aesthetic way to express yourself and make a strong statement. The detailed lines and shapes on your skin can create a deep connection on a soulful level.

Though extroverts may be drawn to bold, vibrant designs, introverts often prefer delicate tattoos that reflect their inner selves. However, it is always clever to get a meaningful tattoo rather than following temporary trends.

Also, if you have a powerful story to tell through a tattoo, it is worth searching for a design that truly represents it.

15. Go on a Shopping Spree (Big Budget or No Budget)

30 Before 30 Bucket List Ideas for 2023 — Miss Tea Positive (4)

Treating and splurging on yourself is like retail therapy. Besides, who does not like casually roaming around stores and buying things they love?!

However, by this, I don't mean going on constant shopping sprees; that will surely make you broke. But if you're like me and haven't gone shopping in a long time, enjoying a (big budget) spree might be worth considering before you turn 30! It will allow you to recreate your wardrobe as well.

But spending beyond your budget can get stressful. Especially if it is on things you don't really NEED. So, to avoid this, it is necessary to have a plan in place to save both time and money.

16. Start a Business

Many people think about starting a business at some point in their lives. But, the best timing to start a business is determined primarily by your goals, experience, and circ*mstances. So, there is no such ideal time frame.

However, starting your business in your 20s and 30s will benefit you more, and for good reason.

It is important to remember that successfully managing a business requires a lot of dedication and hard work. Usually, younger professionals have more energy, enthusiasm, motivation, and fewer responsibilities than their older counterparts.

Furthermore, your energy and drive tend to decrease with each passing year. As a result, it is wise to make the MOST of it while you still can!

17. Open an Online Store

Lately, more and more people in cities have been buying things online. People really like how convenient and efficient online shopping is. Compared to physical stores (with set hours), having an online presence helps increase your visibility and revenue, making it a great small business idea.

18. Plan a Brand Photoshoot

If you own a small business or want to own one in the future, it might be a good idea to consider scheduling a branding photoshoot.

This type of photoshoot is meant to help promote your business by taking high-quality pictures that showcase you, your business, and your personality.

So, whether you're launching a new website, product, or service or want to update your brand image, a brand photoshoot is something to consider.

19. Create a Financial Plan

Although I don't claim to be a "finance guru," one lesson I've learned is that you don't need to be old enough or have a family to start planning your finances.

Often, people in their 20s don't prioritize financial planning. However, a lack of clarity about your financial standing can be stressful (as you get older).

That's why creating a detailed financial plan can help you better understand how you spend and save money. Ultimately improving your financial situation.

20. Start Investing

For many young adults, the idea of investing may seem overwhelming. They don't think of investing until their financial situation becomes (at least) more stable.

However, it is crucial to understand that starting to invest in your 20s, regardless of whether you have long-term or short-term goals, can set you up for a stable financial future.

Investing early on helps you develop good financial habits and discipline that can bring great rewards. But before you start investing, learn the basics of financial planning to better understand the intricacies of it.

21. Travel to a New Country

This list of 30 things to do before 30 would be incomplete without the experience of traveling to a foreign country with a totally different culture.

Did you know that traveling can actually make you smarter? (Yes, you've got another reason to book that trip to Bali!)

Taking a vacation can help you learn and grow by exploring new places, meeting new people, and creating special memories that will last a lifetime.

Traveling is a wise investment for any age group as it improves your IQ, unlike other expensive things (that you spend money on without any long-term benefits in return).

To me, traveling has always been therapeutic. It helped me grow (as a person), which makes it just as important as eating healthy food and exercising regularly.

22. Plan a Girl's Trip

30 Before 30 Bucket List Ideas for 2023 — Miss Tea Positive (5)

A week away with the girls is perfect to recharge your batteries.

However, I have learned that, as you grow, planning and organizing these trips becomes harder.

With age, responsibilities tend to pile up—career, family, and kids become top priorities, leaving little room for leisurely getaways with your girls. So, convincing all your girlfriends and aligning everyone's schedules for a week-long vacation can be challenging.

That is why you must take advantage of your 20s and go on several trips with your girlfriends while you still can.

23. Move Out

Living with your parents in your 20s may have many financial benefits. But taking the leap to move out can be life-changing.

Signing your first rental lease is intimidating, but nothing compares to the feeling of having a place to call your own.

Independence, though initially terrifying, has a uniquely satisfying taste. It opens doors to self-discovery, equips you with essential life skills, prepares you for the realities of adulthood, and helps you grow on a personal level.

Therefore, if you have been planning to embark on this journey, it's time to embrace full-fledged adulthood and leave the comforts of your parent's home behind.

However, keep in mind not to act under peer pressure when making the decision to move out. Only do so if you are fully capable of supporting yourself financially.

You must plan beforehand and ensure your finances are in good shape before taking such a big step. Don't proceed without a solid plan in place.

24. Make a Reading List

If you love reading, chances are you already have a list of books you want to read. But turning 30 is a big deal and marks a milestone in your life. So, why not prepare yourself for the next decade of your life by reading some fantastic books?!

So, take some time and compile a list of books that will enlighten, motivate, move you emotionally, and make you feel better about turning 30.

25. Start a Daily Gratitude Journal

There is no specific age to start gratitude journaling, but engaging in this ritual is worth the time. Writing down your thoughts is a meaningful and fulfilling experience. Especially when going through a personal or professional transformation.

It is a powerful tool that will help you navigate different aspects of life, such as relationships, personal growth, and goal setting.

So, embrace gratitude journaling and begin a journey to a happier and more satisfying life as you grow.

RELATED POST: 8 Different Types of Journaling for Mental Health

26. Write a Letter To Your Future Self

Imagine the happiness of reading a letter written by your younger self 10 years ago!

Everyone, including our younger selves, has wisdom to offer. It would be wonderful to write a letter to your future self that can be opened 10 years later.

This letter would gently remind your workaholic self to take a well-deserved vacation with your spouse, reconnect with your parents enthusiastically, or notice how much the world has changed.

27. Start Writing a Book

Want to write a book someday?

Well, many of us desire to start this creative journey. And why not?!

Writing is a thoughtful activity that anyone can do, and there's no need to finish a book by the time you turn 30. But it's a good idea to begin before reaching that age.

Whether you have a captivating story to share, wish to inspire others, have valuable knowledge to contribute, or want to make a lasting impact, taking the chance to begin the process could lead to success one day.

28. Run a Marathon (or Try an Adventure Sport)

30 Before 30 Bucket List Ideas for 2023 — Miss Tea Positive (6)

Practically, aging can make you do things you never thought you could. And running a marathon can be that life-changing experience!

Many people feel motivated to take on this extreme challenge as they approach 30, 40, 50, or even 60.

It is important to remember that you're never too old to try an extreme sport or pursue your marathon dreams. All you need is - patience, a well-planned strategy, and some helpful tools to support you.

29. Create a Vision Board

Have you ever considered using a vision board to help you with visualization? If not, I highly recommend making one for your 30s.

With the help of a vision board, you can visually manifest your dream life in many creative ways.

To help you with this, here is a detailed post on how to make a vision board that gives you easy-to-follow instructions.

30. Plan Your 30th Birthday Party!

Finally, don't overlook this incredible occasion of turning 30!

As you enter a new era, a grand celebration is a must. So, plan your ultimate 30th birthday bash and create memories that will be cherished for a lifetime.

This concludes my list of 30 things to do before 30.

I hope this 30 before 30 bucket list has inspired you to create yours and welcome your 30s with open arms.

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30 Before 30 Bucket List Ideas for 2023 — Miss Tea Positive (7)

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Author: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

Address: Apt. 425 4346 Santiago Islands, Shariside, AK 38830-1874

Phone: +96313309894162

Job: Legacy Sales Designer

Hobby: Baseball, Wood carving, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Lacemaking, Parkour, Drawing

Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.