10 Easy Recipes for Pickled Eggs without Pickling Spice - (2024)

Looking for pickled egg recipes that don’t use pickling spice? Check out this list of 10 amazing pickled egg recipes!

10 Easy Recipes for Pickled Eggs without Pickling Spice - (1)

(Affiliate disclosure : This post may contain affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate, this means I will earn a small commission if you purchase through my link. This is at no extra cost to you.)

We love pickled eggs in our house – and that’s a good thing because we have an abundance of fresh eggs this time of the year!

Soon after pickling my first jar of eggs, I realized that recipes using pickling spice were not for us. No one in the house liked them! I think it was the strong clove flavor, but I can’t be certain. All I know, is that they were definitely not a hit.

I wasn’t ready to give up on making pickled eggs at home yet though. So, I set out to create and find great recipes that are made without pickling spice.

The following pickled egg recipes are all made without pickling spice! They offer a wide range of flavor, including spicy, salty and sweet. You’re sure to find one you love!

(New to pickled eggs? Read down below the recipe list for some details on what, why, and how on pickled eggs!)

Best Pickled Eggs Recipes Without Pickling Spice

  1. Cajun Spiced Pickled Eggs
  2. Pickled Eggs with Beet Juice
  3. Easy Classic/Old Fashioned Pickled Eggs
  4. Spicy Pickled Egg
  5. “Pickle Juice” Pickled Eggs
  6. “Award Winning” Pickled Eggs
  7. Pickled Mustard Eggs
  8. Garlic Eggs
  9. “Alligator Eggs”
  10. Spicy Siracha Eggs

1. Cajun Spiced Pickled Eggs

Easy Spicy Pickled Quail Egg Recipe for Beginners

This is a good recipe for anyone who doesn’t care for the flavors you get from whole pickling spice. The pickling brine uses Cajun seasoning to give the eggs a salty kick. Add in fresh jalapenos and garlic for additional flavors.

10 Easy Recipes for Pickled Eggs without Pickling Spice - (2)

2. Pickled Eggs with Beet Juice

Quick Pickled Eggs and Beets Recipe | Allrecipes

Looking for a recipe to make beautiful beet-colored eggs? You have to give this one a try. The beets make a great addition to this already healthy snack. You’ll use vinegar, sugar, and sliced beets in your brine (cinnamon is optional). The end result will be a sweet, pickled egg – and the beets are yummy too!

3. Easy Classic/Old Fashioned Pickled Eggs Recipe

Old Fashioned Pickled Eggs – Fox Valley Foodie

This recipe includes simple ingredients to give your eggs a “classic pickled egg” flavor. The pickling liquid – made with bay leaf, white sugar and a garlic clove- give your eggs a sweet and slightly tangy flavor. Look for options to substitute the white vinegar with apple cider vinegar in the original post.

10 Easy Recipes for Pickled Eggs without Pickling Spice - (3)

4. Spicy Pickled Egg Recipe

Spicy Jalapeno Pickled Eggs (These Are So Addictive!) – Nurtured Homes

Next, we have a simple recipe that uses black peppercorns, jalapeno and mustard seeds to create a delicious and spicy brine. The eggs really soak up the spicy flavor, so if you love a snack with some heat, you have to try this recipe.

5. “Pickle Juice” Pickled Egg Recipe

Easy Recipe for Pickled Eggs in Dill Pickle Brine (humblyrootedhome.com)

If you prefer more of a tart flavor, this easy recipe is on you need to try! These eggs are soaked in a pickle brine with jalapenos and garlic. The end flavor is tangy and reminiscent of a dill pickle. You’ll use Mrs. Wages pickling spice to mix up a simple brine. You’ll have a large jar full of neon yellow/green eggs after just a couple days of soaking. The jalapenos are also really good alongside the eggs.

6. “Award Winning” Pickled Eggs

Kansas Award-Winning Pickled Eggs – Gubba Homestead

This brine is made using a couple tablespoons of sugar, lime juice, and red pepper flakes. The little bit of sugar in this brine doesn’t leave them as sweet as some of the previous recipes, so this one may be a winner if you’re not a fan of super sweet pickled eggs!

7. Pickled Mustard Eggs

Pickled Mustard Eggs (asimplehomecook.com)

So, I’ve never tried this one personally, but I am intrigued by the list of ingredients and will be trying it out soon! As someone who loves the tanginess of mustard, I have to assume I’ll enjoy these eggs. The brine is made with prepared yellow mustard, mustard seed, onion and sugar. After a few days of soaking, you’ll notice the eggs start to take on the yellow mustard color.

10 Easy Recipes for Pickled Eggs without Pickling Spice - (4)

8. Garlic Pickled Eggs

Garlic Pickled Eggs Recipe | Allrecipes

Do you love garlic? I do! The primary ingredient in this pickling brine is just that – fresh garlic cloves. Let the eggs soak for about a week in the fridge and enjoy!

9. “Alligator Eggs”

Florassippi Girl: Alligator Eggs (Cajun Pickled Eggs)

Next, we have “alligator eggs”. No, these are not actually alligator eggs 🙂 But they are delicious chicken or quail eggs soaked in a crab boil brine! I’m from the South – right on the TX/LA border – and I love all things with a crab/crawfish boil flavor. Give this one a try if you want a salty, slightly spicy, egg.

10. Siracha Pickled Eggs

Sriracha Pickled Eggs Recipe | Natalie Hodson

I’m sensing a theme with spicy eggs here – but these are so good! If you enjoy the flavor of siracha sauce and some heat, you’ll have to try this one! I personally do not follow the instructions found here for water bath canning the eggs. I always store my pickled eggs in the fridge and will recommend that you do, too. Aside from that, this recipe is absolutely delicious and a good option to add to your egg recipe collection.

There you have it! A list of delicious pickled egg recipes without pickling spices! I think you’ll definitely find a winner or two amongst the list.

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10 Easy Recipes for Pickled Eggs without Pickling Spice - (5)

(Affiliate disclosure : This post may contain affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate, this means I will earn a small commission if you purchase through my link. This is at no extra cost to you.)

What is a Pickled Egg?

Pickled eggs are hard boiled eggs that have been peeled and soaked in a brine. The brine is usually made from water, vinegar, spices and/or seasonings, and pickling salt. You can add in fresh vegetables as well. Common fresh vegetables that are commonly added are garlic, onion, jalapeno, and beets.

10 Easy Recipes for Pickled Eggs without Pickling Spice - (6)

Flavors of pickled eggs vary greatly depending on the brine you create. Some pickled eggs will be sweet while others have more of a salty flavor. They are used for appetizers, snacks, or additions to recipes. They are commonly known as a “bar food” – but here, they are just a good, cold treat.

It is important to give your eggs time to soak. If you taste the eggs after just a day or two, you’ll notice that they don’t have much flavor. Small eggs will probably take at least a week before they really start to soak up the flavor. The larger the egg, the more soaking time they will need – possibly up to 2 weeks before you notice the flavor.

Why would you pickle eggs?

Aside from being a low carb and delicious snack, pickling eggs is actually a method of home food preservation. When done correctly, the eggs can be saved to eat at a later date. This is common amongst backyard poultry owners who are looking for an easy way to store their dozens of eggs. Eggs stored in the refrigerator (which is where they should be store for safety) can last 3-4 months.

What type of eggs can you pickle?

In general, you want to use fresh eggs that are only a few days old to get the best quality. This means you probably won’t be pickling the eggs from the grocery stores. If you don’t have your own source of fresh eggs, reach out to a homesteading friend or local farm to see about purchasing from them.

You also want to stay away from large eggs. Stick with medium or small eggs to allow the flavor to penetrate the egg whites. Small chicken eggs and tiny quail eggs are good options.

Your eggs should be clean and the shells without cracks.

Preparing and Storing

The National Center for Home Food Preservation provides this great article on properly preparing and storing pickled eggs. You want to be sure to follow safety protocol for storage, including not leaving your eggs at room temperature for more than 2 hours at a time.

There are currently no recommended guidelines for home canning of pickled eggs. The eggs are stored in a jar, with a lid, in a fridge for up to 3-4 months. The CDC warns of possible botulism concerns with homemade pickled eggs that are stored at room temperature.

You also want to follow general food safety guidelines, including always using a clean jar and utensils to store your eggs in.

Supplies for Pickled Eggs

There’s really not a lot you’re going to need. Other than your ingredients, you’ll want to have a quart mason jar ready to go. I purchase these Ball Quart Sized Mason Jars with the wide mouth. A quart size jar will hold roughly one dozen chicken eggs and three dozen quail eggs.

One of these stainless steel funnels can also come in handy for pouring the hot liquid over your eggs.

What to Use Pickled Eggs for?

Personally, we usually just eat them as a snack. But they can also be a great addition to various salads – egg salad, potato salad, tuna salad. You can also slice them in half and turn them in to deviled eggs!

10 Easy Recipes for Pickled Eggs without Pickling Spice - (7)

What type of vinegar should you use?

You can use apple cider vinegar or distilled white vinegar with a 5% acidity. You will notice a difference in flavor based on the vinegar you use. Each recipe I listed above will tell you what they used, but you can also play around with it to see if you prefer the flavor of one vinegar more.

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10 Easy Recipes for Pickled Eggs without Pickling Spice - (2024)


Is apple cider vinegar better than white vinegar for pickled eggs? ›

Apple cider vinegar (or other vinegar) – We like the flavor combination of the tangy apple cider vinegar with the garlic, chili peppers and turmeric. But plain white vinegar will give you more of a classic pickling brine. Water – Always use filtered or non-chlorinated water when preserving.

How long should pickled eggs sit before eating? ›

Add the eggs, make sure they are submerged (you can top them off with an additional 1-2 tablespoons water if you need to). Cover and chill overnight. The eggs will intensify in flavor and color the longer they are pickled. We suggest waiting at least 2-3 days before eating them.

Can you pickle eggs by just putting them in pickle juice? ›

Add the boiled eggs directly to the jar of pickle juice or put eggs and juice in a clean mason jar. Refrigerate for at least 3 days before eating. The longer the eggs are in the juice, the more pickled and flavorful they'll become.

Why do pickled eggs get rubbery? ›

How do you avoid pickled eggs with a rubbery texture? The vinegar in the pickling liquid will toughen the egg's texture, making pickled eggs more rubbery over time. To avoid rubbery eggs, plan to eat the pickles within two weeks.

What happens if you put an egg in apple cider vinegar? ›

The reaction produces carbon dioxide, which you'll see as bubbles on the surface of the egg. Over time (usually 24 hours or so), the vinegar will dissolve the entire shell, leaving behind a "naked" egg held together by just the membrane.

What happens if I use apple cider vinegar instead of white vinegar? ›

Just note that apple cider vinegar has a slightly sweeter and fruitier flavor compared to the more neutral taste of white vinegar. So, the substitution may alter the taste of your recipe slightly. But for most dishes, the substitution should work just fine!

Do you have to refrigerate eggs after you pickle them? ›

Glass canning jars work well. A quart-size canning jar will hold about one dozen medium-sized eggs. Pickled eggs need to be hard-boiled and peeled prior to making the brine solution of vinegar, salt, spices, and other seasonings. Pickled eggs MUST be always stored in the refrigerator.

Do I have to boil vinegar for pickling? ›

Vinegar-based pickling is a much faster process than fermentation pickling. In its quickest form, you'll just boil a vinegar solution, pour it over the the object of your pickling desire, let it all cool and stash it in the fridge.

Can homemade pickled eggs go bad? ›

Like commercial brands, homemade pickled eggs usually have a maximum four-month lifespan when refrigerated appropriately. However, using the right pickling technique is essential to ensure your eggs will keep well for as long as possible.

How to make pickled eggs that aren t rubbery? ›

And If the eggs sit in that liquid too long, you get rubbery eggs. There's a simple enough way to avoid this problem. You want the pickling liquid to do its job in the beginning, and then after the eggs have reached the proper degree of pickling, you can dilute the solution with some water.

Do you have to pickle eggs in a glass jar? ›

Containers for the Eggs

The container used for the eggs should be one that can be closed or sealed tightly; glass canning jars work well. The eggs are to be completely covered with the pickling solution during storage.

How long do homemade pickled eggs last? ›

How long will they last? Kept in the pickling solution in the fridge with a tight lid, they are good for 3-4 months. That means if we start pickling eggs now, when the girls start slacking off this summer, we can still enjoy eggs! And I did freeze A LOT of eggs, too.

How many pickled eggs can you eat a day? ›

How many pickled eggs should (can) I eat a day? So, we did some more digging, and found that eating one egg a day wasn't going to kill you; in fact, it may actually REDUCE heart disease. Other studies have shown no ill effects on people who have consumed up to 12 eggs a week!

Which vinegar is better for pickling? ›

Distilled white vinegar

Because of its clarity, it maintains colour and flavour of the produce being pickled. This makes it ideal for pale produce you don't want to discolour like fruits and white vegetables like cauliflower or onions.

Should I use apple cider vinegar or white vinegar? ›

While ACV is favored for its health benefits and mild taste, white vinegar is a popular choice for its strong cleaning properties and versatility in cooking. It's recommended to consume 1-2 tablespoons of ACV diluted in water daily for health benefits or take apple cider vinegar capsules or gummies.

Is it better to use white vinegar or apple cider vinegar? ›

White vinegar excels in cleaning and is more versatile for cooking due to its high acetic acid content, neutral flavor, and clear appearance. In contrast, raw, non-GMO, unfiltered apple cider vinegar is an ideal choice for medicinal purposes as it contains health-promoting antioxidants, probiotics, and enzymes.

Can I use apple cider vinegar instead of white vinegar for deviled eggs? ›

Lemon juice (or vinegar): I love the fresh, bright flavor of lemon juice in deviled eggs. But vinegar (white, white/red wine, or apple cider vinegar) is the traditional option and would also work well. Dijon mustard: Feel free to add in a bit more or less, depending on how mustardy you like your eggs.


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